Now we're in Nashville! Mom showing off the star of the show - my gorgeous niece Hailey!

Look at her!

Look at her!

Hailey with her Great Grandma Selma (Mom's mom).

Dad and Mom show off their famous Waldorf salad.

Shelby dog! We truly do still love you even though your baby sister has stolen your spotlight.

Susan and Kevin open up one of Hailey's many many gifts.

Food time.

I'm going to make this one day. Seriously.

Matthew (AKA Mr. Haber) with his puppy Katie.

Sam by the piano with Grandma Selma and Great Aunt Bernice.

Pictures of pictures. I found some really great old family photo albums. Here's Susan and I circa 1978ish.


My favorite old photo of me ever. Anyone recognize those headphones?

Steven and Sam entertaining Hailey.

Aunt Arlene and Uncle Ira kick off a Thanksgiving morning dance party!

Chocolate marshmallow baby.

Steven and Sam lead the team on the annual Thanksgiving day hike.

Uncle Larry bundled up and ready to hike.

L to R:
Kevin, his mom Ellen, Susan, Hailey, me, Samantha, Bill (Kevin's dad), Dad, Steven,
Alli (Daniel's girlfriend), Cousin Daniel, Uncle Ira, Aunt Arlene, Uncle Larry, Cousin Marcus, Cousin Maddy.

Meet me in the woooooods, it's goin' doooooown.

Hailey braving the great outdoors.

Steven and Alli battle to find the biggest leaf. Sorry Steve!

Autumn Wonderland.

Hunting for turkeys.