Jarritos was a popular drink and it still is.
Joe Schanz gets more props and stunts than Bruce Willis.


DJ Morse Code doin' it to it at Milk after Kidrobot cleared out.
DJ B. Cause lurks in the background, waiting to get on the wheels.

Soulstrut crew mobbin deep: Nat, Stef, Markus, Serg, Patrick, Audrey.

Takin' pictures of pictures with Audrey.


Miles says good morning to Joy.

Incredible view of the Pacific coast. This is the remains of some sort of bath house that was destroyed
in an earthquake. I think.

Hangin' with Joe on the coast.

Whatever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, the evening TV?

Steven Davis!

Friday night at Makeout Room.

Steven and John, dancefloor mania, Doug So Real, Joy and Doug